It won't win any prizes, but my lawn has fewer weeds than it did in the Spring. True, it doesn't have much grass and what is there is dried to a crisp, but the weeds are in a much sadder state.
Back in May, I had visions of a lawn reminiscent of a palace in Versailles. When I bought weed killer to spray on the lawn, I had second thoughts of using it after reading the instructions. It went something along the lines of "Make sure none of your skin is uncovered during use. Discard and clean clothes after use." What?! No way.
You can guess the solution for my alternative weed killer. Yup, vinegar. 7% (pickling) vinegar mixed with a drop of dish soap (helps it stick to leaves) and poured into a spray bottle is extremely effective at killing off weeds. And, it's cheaper than almost any weed killer on the market.
The moral? Value comes from finding alternatives that have multiple benefits.