Thursday, September 06, 2007
Give Value to Get Value
There is a limit to true value and it's this: we can never receive more value than we produce and give to others. The amount that we can save, the worth of our assets, and the significance of our relationships are capped at our level of contribution to those around us.
In terms of the material, the more we care for the things that we have - the more we appreciate them - the more value they hold for us. If we maintain our possessions well, we are less likely to neglect them and to think of them as valueless.
With money, the more respect and consideration we give it, the more likely we are to save it and accumulate wealth with it. If we nurture our income and set some aside for our future, our wealth will grow to the point where it can support us.
When we value our time and we see its fragility, we are less likely to waste it. We'll plan our days and focus our efforts. We are all allotted the same 24 hours every day. If we value those hours, we will get much more out of them.
The relationships we hold are what shape us. The more we give of ourselves to others, the richer and deeper the relationships we'll have with our peers. But we'll never get to this level of richness unless we bring value.
The more value we assign to our lives and strive to be better, the more we'll have to give to others and live richer lives.