Saturday, February 17, 2007

Stop Doing Lists

Jim Collins, in Good to Great, chronicles what really great companies did to shed themselves of being just "good" to become truly amazing and lasting organizations. The things that these companies did can also be brought to the individual level and applied to being thrifty.

Namely, instead of thinking about "to do" lists that languish undone, these great companies made "stop doing" lists, knowing that stopping to do detrimental things is the only way to be able to do amazing things. So, this week, we should apply the same to our lives to gain value and make our own "stop doing" lists. However, we don't need to go crazy, we can pick just one thing for this week.


- Let's stop idling our cars in the mornings and just bundle up a little before heading out the door
- Let's stop leaving the hot water running while brushing our teeth
- Let's stop eating a bag of chips while watching TV before bed
- Let's stop taking money for granted

It can be a small thing, but let's stop doing it. It's not worth it.