Monday, March 05, 2007


Weariness is an enemy of thriftiness. Thriftiness requires the constant application of small amounts of energy towards accruing wealth. These minuscule amounts of energy integrated over a lifetime have an awesome outcome. But, it's hard to apply any energy if one is weary.

Without wanting to sound too Zen-like, we can say that reversing weariness requires a small shift in perception. This can be brought upon by doing something small, even if only token, towards improving one's self and one's surrounding. If we feel like we're slobs and everything around us is messy, why don't we just remove the clothes that are on the floor. Just that and no more. If we feel like we've had so much junk food to eat today, why not eat just one fruit. We can throw one item in the recycling bin, focus on one beautiful thing in our lives, send one email to a loved one telling them we care, or put a few coins in a collection box. Just one thing may be enough to tip us away from our weariness. It may set a precedent to do more good things and add more value to our lives.

If we can get over the weariness, than we can guild ourselves from future weariness. With this protection, we can accrue more and have more happiness.