Thursday, March 15, 2007


Back in February, I wrote about how empowering it is to organize bills and statements in binders.

This tip helps get you there: use small boxes for receipts.

Receipts got their form because it was easy to refill a cash register with a roll instead of sheets of paper. However, this form presents a significant disadvantage to the consumer.

While stores can keep track of what you purchased, at what time/date, and with which method of payment using an electronic inventory management system, they rely on you presenting a tiny piece of paper that's been folded dozens of times and carried in wallets and purses and crumbled into pockets if you want to return something. We treat this precious document with little care.

Enter boxes! A simple cardboard box from a dollar store offers a stylish home for your receipts. If we make a habit of emptying our receipts into the box after every shopping excursion, we will have created a powerful system for retaining proof of our purchases. If it allows you to return just one thing, it was worth many times the small effort to implement it.